Vintage Newspaper Mockup - old folded newspaper - fully Editable 3000 x 2000 Hi-Res PSD. You can edit all the text and replace image.
To edit text right click on the yellow marked layer called "Text" and choose "Edit Contents". It will open all the text in a separate window. Edit and save. It automatically updates and distorts its shape to match the shape of the paper.
To replace the photo, right click on the red labeled layer called "Image", choose Edit Contents and paste your photo over the placeholder. Save. (1 layered .PSD file)
Free fonts used are listed in the product info.
Zip package includes: .PSD
TAGS: vintage newspaper mockup, old folded newspaper mockup, vintage newspaper mockup template, realistic mockup template, yellowed newspaper, old newspapers, realistic newspaper mockup psd, vintage mockup template, old newspaper, magazine template, newspaper design, grunge, vintage, old fashioned, vintage folded newspaper mockup, spin magazine, vintage photoshop mockup, newspaper mockup template, newspaper mock-up psd
LICENSE: Royalty free – Free for commercial use
(after purchase: you can use these files as part of your commercial or personal work, no credits needed)
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