Become author / Make money
Would you like to become our author? You are welcomed.
While other similar websites offers thousands of products/files usually of low quality, customer is searching only for bestseller at these websites (sort by bestseller) and ignoring new products, new authors etc. is different, we are selecting only best quality authors, best products...
so customer can freely browse any category from start to end and choose from products of constant high quality. So with you have chance to join prestigious society, and of course sell more.
What to do?
Just send us e-mail to: info (at) 123creative (dot) com
(you can add link to your on-line portfolio, no attachments please!)
We are accepting authors depending on their portfolio, first 2 example products, and authors which have more than 10 new products/packages available in their stock at the moment.
We will contact you asap and send you next instructions / margin information / license agreement etc.